Forgot Your User ID

Forgot Your User ID
In order for us to find your ID, you will need to fill out the minimum amount of required information on this page. This allows us to search for your information within our system. When entering your name, please use your name as it appears on official documentation. If you are an alumni or former student, please enter your name as it existed when you attended the University. If you have changed your name since you attended and have not updated your name with any Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) institution, we may not be able to find you under your current name. (Legal name changes require documentation)
Required Information
Calendar Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
User Verification
To help secure and protect your personally identifiable information and to get a higher accuracy of finding your record, you must verify your account using one of the following options below.

If you did not list your Social Security Number (SSN) on the application, you will need to use the application number provided to you in the Application Acknowledgement email. If you do not have an SSN, please use your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or application number. If you are unable to activate after trying your SSN, ITIN, or application number, please email with a screenshot of the fields on this page filled in for assistance.

Security Check

This process helps prevent automated programs from abusing this service and protects your account from hackers. Once you have entered all of the required information for this page, check the box next to "I'm not a robot."

A window will pop up with instructions to select squares that meet a specified criteria. Follow instructions on window. Once you have successfully completed selecting the squares with the correct challenge criteria, you will be returned to this page and there will be a green checkmark in the check box. If you are not able to complete the challenge criteria or are unable to see an image clearly, click the refresh button at the bottom of the window to get a new set of images with new challenge criteria or to select an audio challenge.